CD or 特別ケース付きCDへの追加支援募集開始!

[Kelly Simonz Crowdfunding]
Thank you for your support! !!
The instrumental "The NEW ERA", which follows FUTURE DESTINATION, which was born in the first year of Reiwa, is a song that emphasizes ease of playing and familiarity. We are aiming to make it into a CD as a new song that fans expect to decorate.
Collaboration with Mr. Mark Boals is also expected in 2020,
We are planning to insert one vocal song in this mini album, so please come and see Mark's singing voice.
Underwater communication continues so that you can listen to it.
There are two songs, a short version and a long version of "The NEW ERA".
We are planning to produce a mini album with 5 songs including songs with songs.
The minimum cost required for production is 500,000 to 1 million yen (guarantee (when Mark's song is inserted), recording, mixing, mastering, design, press (1000 initials), etc., of course, including your own expenses But the more money we have, the more we want to invest in quality.
I would like to ask for support because all the members live in remote places from this year, so not only recording costs but also travel accommodation costs have come to be incurred, so it costs considerably in addition to production costs such as CD press and design. In the past, Kelly's own music activities were used to cover all the funds, but in that case it is not easy to make a work, so there are many practical problems, so here are a few. We have been producing and promoting the album with funding from King Records.
However, even if it is released, the activity with only "royalties income" becomes more severe in the genre of hard rock heavy metal, and there is a reality that no matter how much CDs are sold, it will not lead to profits, which is also Kelly's music activity. I had no choice but to cover it.
For the past few years, it has become like a music activity for making works, and I have been able to maintain it by doing activities despite various problems because I could not make music as I wanted because I was too busy.
To get help when the Euro Tour was decided 20 years ago
"KIA (Kelly Simonz Event Association)"
I was able to get hundreds of thousands of support by launching Narumono and recruiting.
At that time, there were many criticisms of such a method, but I still want to support it.
I didn't feel any problem because I received support only from those who said.
Twenty years after that, crowdfunding has become commonplace and the number of specialized sites has increased, so I thought I should use it myself, but I was surprised to see the fee ... 17 to 20% (consumption) I think the amount ( excluding tax) is too high.
Honestly, the reason why many people use popular crowdfunding services is
① Let more people know about funding, not just fans
② And the trust and trust of major crowdfunding
I think there are two.
For that reason, we pay a fee of nearly 20%, but if it is 1 million yen, we will pay a fee of 200,000 yen and crowdfunding will be taxed, so even if you pay 10,000 yen per person, 100 The money of 20 of the fans is paid to the crowdfunding service ... It's a little disappointing as a person who has been steadily cherishing fans for 20 years.
Music office the artist himself does not mean raise investment in large companies this system in a way that receive direct support to the fan was I felt it a little funny. So I'm thinking of using my HP app service to solicit support in the future.
After all, for me
Crowdfunding = investing in quality and trust in quality
I think like that.
I think that all the works and activities released in 20 years of activities are my "trust and trust" for everyone, and the co-starring with Mark Boals realized this year will dramatically step up the activities so far. The chance has come.
When this mini-album is completed, the next thing we are aiming for is, of course , the album release with "the band that welcomed Mark Boals as vocals", and the Japan & US tour .
In order to realize this dream, I think that the cost will be at the level of 10 million based on this Trilogy Japan Tour ... Of course, this is something that I personally cannot realize at all.
However, I think that it is not only me but everyone who has supported me that I really want to realize it when I come here, so I would like to realize it at all costs.
From "Mark Boals Trilogy Japan Tour 2019" which was held in all 6 places and ended in great success
We will release this mini album "The NEW ERA-Reiwa 2019" before next year's band project, and we hope to release it within the year as a stepping stone for the new band that will start in earnest next year. Please borrow.

1. The NEW ERA
2. The Second~Pandemic~
3. The Third~Future World~
4. N.W.O feat. Mark Boals
5. Bound For Glory feat.Mark Boals
6. Now Your Turn feat. Mark Boals
103 supporters
2670000 yen
The NEW ERA Album production cooperation Crowdfunding exceeded the planned amount, so it ended in a month.
僕も正直事務所スタジオにこもった状態で毎週ライブ配信はしていたのですが、モチベーションは当然上がる事もなく先の見えない活動を続ける日々を過ごしましたが、それでもスタジオライブやその時自分が出来る事を精一杯やってきたお陰で幸いこれだけ長引いでも殆どの支援者の方は僕の作品の完成を待っていてくださりました。勿論叱咤激励もありましたが、そのおかげで僕は一念発起しThe NEW ERAの残りの2曲を一気にまとめ上げたのです。
Dec.10th 2023 Kelly SIMONZ